This was the first time I had sessioned these dirt jumps. It was all about playing around and seeing what I could do. I hadn't really jumped dirt before with my RC so I was a little leery about hitting the big jumps. Had a blast getting technical on the little section and I was able to throw some of the Best RC Whips I've ever done. Fun session that totally got me hooked on this location.

Here are the stats:
Car: Traxxas Bandit VXL
Driver: Bryndon Smith
Location: Norco Hills BMX Dirt Jumps
Camera: Tripod - Canon T2i 720p at 60fps
Editing: Bryndon Smith - Final Cut Studio 7
Royalty Free Music: "Movement Proposition" by incompetech.com

:06 - There was really one main jump I was hitting, this was just a return run, heading back to set up for the main jump.
:12 - Take off on this is pretty narrow, but I was surprised how well the jump popped when I hit it right.
:19 - Hard to tell because it's away, but this is almost a 90 degree whip (car rolles, then throttle straightens the car up before landing)
:21 - You get a couple more views of the whips. Nothin' beats a smooth stylish RC whip with a clean landing.
:37 - This was a half-assed version of what I've been calling a Snap Indo. Where you take off steep, then snap the nose down right at the apex of the air.
:45 - By the end of the day I was over-shooting the landing every jump, it was time to move onto bigger jumps. ie. "iJumpRC-0002 - Best Backwards RC Jump Ever"

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